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Spaying and neutering key for decreasing homeless animal numbers

Updated: Jan 4, 2024

Seeking to curb the stray animal population, the Rosewood Foundation Guyana is once again encouraging the public to have their pets spayed or neutered.

Anesa Bird, executive member and Public Relations Coordinator of the organisation, told Sunday Stabroek that the approaching cat mating season has made action call even more imperative. “This is a very important factor in ensuring that we reduce the amount of homeless animals in Guyana. More animals that are fixed, the easier it becomes for us to manage that homeless pet situation,” Bird said.

According to her, animals that are neutered or spayed are less aggressive during mating season, and also less likely to get lost given that animals normally tend to follow other animals they wanted to mate with at this time.

In addition to reducing the urge to mate, spaying and neutering also results in there being fewer litters on the streets. Noting that one litter has multiple young ones, Bird said that if there are female offspring among them there was a real possibility of another litter being born in a few months. She further noted that cats do not go through menopause, and therefore will continuously have litters but spaying ends the cycle.

Rosewood Foundation is an animal welfare organization and it advocates for the safety, wellness, protection and care of animals. Members do volunteer work and they are often supported through donations or out of their own pockets. She said that many times they would keep the animals they rescue in their homes until they are adopted.

People who have concerns about animals, are seeking answers about them or have seen animals either being abused, lost or in need of shelter can also contact the GSPCA, Rosewood Foundation Guyana or Tails of Hope Rescue Service.

Read more at Stabroek News


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