Find Trusted Vets in Guyana
This is a list of registered vets in Guyana, last updated 2023. Please refer to the Veterinary Board of Guyana if you require an updated version of this list.
If you are a registered veterinarian in Guyana but are not listed here, or your information is incorrect, kindly submit the form below with your full name, address and telephone number/s, and we will have it added.
Dr. Mortimer Applewhaite (South R/Veldt) 623-9474 | 255-0119
Dr. Nickli Domer (South R/Veldt) 600-9313
Dr. Nardeo Bassoodeo (P/Shad Nagar) 662-4855 | 644-3973
Dr. Steve Surujbally (Lamaha Gdns) 225-6701 | 225-8451
Dr. Mark Pierre (C/Lodge) 615-9875 | 227-3752
GSPCA Shelter + Clinic (Bourda) 226-4237
Dr. Da Silva, Joshua Ignatius Lot 438 Baramita St., South Ruimveldt Gardens
Dr. Linden Dodson Lot 3868 South Ruimveldt Gardens
Dr. Lyken, Dexter Andrew, Lot 131 Mazaruni St., Guyhoc Park
Dr. Overton, Rennard E. N., Lot 1099 Blue Sackie Drive, South Ruimveldt Park
Dr. Savory, Mariel Angelina, Lot 302 Sunflower Close, South Ruimveldt Gardens
Dr. Storm, Randy Shane, Lot 625 East Ruimveldt Front Road
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