Dear Editor,
I was horrified when I saw the photos circulating with four dogs being transported with a rope around their necks at the back of a police van. One of the four dogs in a photo posted, hung in the air with a rope tied around its neck. I had to cry. What crime does an animal that is hungry and cannot work for a dollar to purchase a meal commit, when their prime instinct is to look for food nearby?
What crime does an animal commit when hunting for a meal so that it does not die of starvation?
They have an entirely different outlook.
So, I ask you, just because you are a human, will you allow abuse and will you abuse the animals which cannot exert their rights? The crime these dogs committed was the crime to exist in the same space as we do.
Just take a look at the condition of the dogs, their ribs piercing through their skin should say it all. These animals are not criminals that need to be apprehended. They’re starved creatures. And in question, reading the articles. Why did the police officers choose the four friendliest strays that approached them to “escort them elsewhere”?
What if these dogs were vicious? Would the officers still have taken it upon themselves to “relocate” them?
I’m hoping in future, the judicial system reaches out to the appropriate people to do the job for them. There are so many non-profit, volunteer-based animal welfare organisations in Guyana.
And I urge Guyanese, let us continue to fight and speak for the voiceless.
I’d like to extend an invitation to the public on the 2nd of February, Sunday at 7 am. Join us to walk against Animal Cruelty initiated by the Pawsome Oasis Inc. Rescue & Shelter. Please wear purple, walk with your furry friends. The assembly point is at the Umana Yana.
I’m also curious to know if Leguan has any veterinarian services or animal protection organisations? And if there is not, I’m pleading that we act on it.
Kind regards,
Ms. Saaya Prasad

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