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Saving the animals, one person at a time

Donna Lam always loved animals, so it was not strange for her to take strays home and when her family said no more, she badgered other people to foster them.

Today, as a member of the Rosewood Foundation-Guyana, Lam can be found rescuing animals or trying to educate others to treat them better. She does this all while running her own business and being a wife and mother, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. “I have been an animal lover since I was the age of three years old.

It was at the age of 14 that Lam came to Guyana with her family after spending her formative years in Suriname and she said at that time they only brought their cat with them. She recalled that it was a difficult transition for her at the time because not only was she forced to leave some of her animals behind, but also her friends and everything that was familiar. Her cat, Black Prince, so named because he was completely black, did not last long as people were afraid of him not only because of his colour but also his size; he was huge and appeared wild. Children pelted him and one day in an attempt to escape the missiles thrown at him he ran out onto the roadway and was killed by a vehicle.

“That was when I realised it is not just about finding homes for animals; it is about changing the way people see animals. Just saving, rescuing and finding homes for animals was not enough,” she said.

Read more at Stabroek News


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